The ML Kit Text Recognition API can recognize text in any Latin-based character set. It can also be used to automate data-entry tasks such as processing credit cards, receipts, and business cards.The ML Kit Text Recognition API can recognize text in any Latin-based character set. It can also be used to automate data-entry tasks such as processing credit cards, receipts, and business cards.
Recognize text across Latin-based languages Supports recognizing text using Latin script
Analyze structure of text Supports detection of words/elements, lines and paragraphs
Identify language of text Identifies the language of the recognized text
Real-time recognition Can recognize text in real-time on a wide range of devices
Import VoxelBusters.EasyMLKit and VoxelBusters.CoreLibrary namespaces
Copy using VoxelBusters . EasyMLKit ;
using VoxelBusters . CoreLibrary ;
Create Instance
Create an instance of the TextRecognizer instance.
Copy private TextRecognizer CreateTextRecognizer ()
TextRecognizer scanner = new TextRecognizer ();
return scanner;
For preparing, you need to pass an instance to input source, instance of TextRecognizerOptions and a callback to know when prepare is complete.
Copy private IInputSource CreateImageInputSource ( Texture2D texture)
return new ImageInputSource (texture);
private IInputSource CreateLiveCameraInputSource ()
IInputSource inputSource = new LiveCameraInputSource ()
EnableFlash = false ,
IsFrontFacing = false
return inputSource;
private TextRecognizerOptions CreateTextRecognizerOptions ()
TextRecognizerOptions . Builder builder = new TextRecognizerOptions . Builder ();
builder.SetInputLanguage(TextRecognizerInputLanguage.Latin); //TextRecognizerInputLanguage.Japanese or TextRecognizerInputLanguage.Korean
return builder . Build ();
private void Prepare ()
IInputSource inputSource = CreateImageInputSource (TEXTURE); //TEXTURE -> "Readable" Texture 2D instance
TextRecognizerOptions options = CreateTextRecognizerOptions ();
Debug . Log ( "Starting prepare..." );
scanner . Prepare (inputSource , options , OnPrepareComplete);
private void OnPrepareComplete ( TextRecognizer scanner , Error error)
Debug . Log ( "Prepare complete..." + error);
if (error == null )
Debug . Log ( "Prepare completed successfully!" );
Debug . Log ( "Failed preparing Text recognizer : " + error . Description );
Once prepare is complete, you can start processing which gives the result in a callback.
Copy private void OnPrepareComplete ( TextRecognizer scanner , Error error)
Debug . Log ( "Prepare complete..." + error);
if (error == null )
Debug . Log ( "Prepare completed successfully!" );
scanner . Process (OnProcessUpdate);
Debug . Log ( "Failed preparing Text Recognizer : " + error . Description );
private void OnProcessUpdate ( TextRecognizer scanner , TextRecognizerResult result)
if ( ! result . HasError ())
Debug . Log ( string . Format ( "Received {0}" , result . TextGroup ));
if ( result . TextGroup != null )
scanner . Close ( null );
Debug . Log ( "Text Recognizer failed processing : " + result . Error . Description , false );
Close the scanner once you are done processing.
Copy scanner . Close ( null ); //Or pass a callback to know once its complete
Last updated 8 months ago